Reading and writing have been a passion of mine for a long time now. It really all started in 2001 with my mom bringing home the DVD for a movie that had just released. At the time, not many people knew of the series this movie was based on. We certainly didn’t. You may have heard of this movie, it’s called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. I had no idea then just how much that movie would change my life. We all loved it so much that my mom went out and bought the first book to read with us. Then the next book, and the next one, until we were caught up on the series. If I’m counting correctly, I only missed two or three of the midnight movie premieres. I have so many memories as a little girl sitting in front of the stereo in our living room listening to the Jim Dale version of the audiobooks we would rent from the library.
This series really awakened my love of reading. When one chapter was finished, my mom would say it was time for bed. I remember asking, “Just one more chapter mom, please.” I fell in love with the characters, the world, and the stories in these books. I wanted so badly to receive my letter to Hogwarts on my eleventh birthday. I was greatly disappointed when it never came.
Thus, my love for writing was born. I had no idea what fan fiction was at the time, or how long it had even been around at that point. Looking back now, I know what I wrote was fan fiction. Since I never received my letter to Hogwarts, I decided to write my own adventures at Hogwarts (who know I’d still be writing Harry Potter fan fiction today). I got to study together with Hermione, fly with Draco, and fight alongside Harry. I had a lot of great adventures.
This year marks twenty years from the release of the movie that has changed my life in such a significant way. I am so grateful my mom brought that movie home and took her time to read those books to us or run to the library to pick up the next audiobook. I have so many strong memories tied to this book that I had a permanent reminder etched into the skin of my arm. A way to share with others how my mom encouraged my love of reading and writing, how the lessons in those books changed my perspective on a lot of things, and how all it takes is one book or movie to change your life.
I’m certain when I’m old and gray, I will still love Harry Potter, or at the very least, be thankful for all that it brought to my life.
As Dumbledore and Snape once said:
“After all this time?”